Piper longum also known as long pepper is a very effective herb for increasing digestion, metabolism and assimilation of ingested food.
Long pepper is used in Ayurveda for powerful rasayana and detoxification. It is very useful for cold and cough.
It is very useful for cold and cough.
Long pepper for obesity: Pippali (tippali) is given with honey to treat Kapha imbalance like obesity, cold, cough, asthma and fever. This combination improves digestion,
Acts as aphrodisiac for Asthma, Anemia and Anemia – Mix one part long pepper powder and two parts jaggery to relieve cough, asthma, anemia, heart disorders, anemia and intestinal worms.
Pepper for Tuberculosis: Long pepper is very useful for improving lung strength as it is rejuvenating and anti-aging.