According to today’s lifestyle, our body is easily affected by diseases. Today’s generation fears cancer the most from food.
Let’s get to know some foods that can prevent cancer.


According to the latest studies, it is reported that garlic can prevent cells from turning into cancer cells, so make garlic a regular presence in your diet.


This dark red food, the anthocyanins present in beets are said to even kill cancer cells. And the resveratrol contained in beetroot is said to fight against blood and brain cancer.
Curcumin is an anti-cancer ingredient in turmeric, experts say that it can prevent the growth and spread of cancer cells.
Green tea

Stimulates your physical activities and helps in reducing body weight. It can eliminate the risk of cancer.
Soy is considered to be a great preventative measure to prevent breast cancer.

Apart from being an essential vitamin for the body, the carotenoids in carrots also provide excellent protection against cancer.

A compound called indole-3-carbinol in cabbage is a powerful anti-cancer agent.
Making cauliflower a part of the diet is generally beneficial against many cancers.

Mushroom dishes
Mushrooms are rich in vitamin B and iron, so they are good for eliminating tumors that cause cancer.
Spreading knowledge is good and this post only aims to popularize knowledge. Do more study regarding this and accept only good(Credit).
Use medicines only as per the advice of qualified medical practitioners.

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